Open Heavens For Teens Review, 29th March 2020

Today we are looking at MIND YOUR COMMENTS
James 3:6-10

(The Passion Translation)
Proverbs 18:20-21
Sharing words of wisdom is satisfying to your inner being. It encourages you to know that you’ve changed someone else’s life.
Your words are so powerful that they will kill or give life, and the talkative person will reap the consequences.

The Advent of social media and the role played by technology in our modern day is fascinating, It’s impact extends to many areas of life, both good and bad.

On the positive side, it brings people together, on the other side, it makes people sometimes discuss wrongly, say what they want regardless of who gets hurt or whether it’s right or wrong

As Christian pilgrims we have to be careful what we say about others, especially “men of God”.

This generation everybody has something to “correct” about somebody but sometimes, despite the situations always mind your comments, it’s not every discussion you put your mouth, (that’s wisdom, James 1:17)

It’s written,
Romans 15:2,14
*Our goal must be to empower others to do what is right and good for them, and to bring them into spiritual maturity. My dear brothers and sisters, I am fully convinced of your genuine spirituality. I know that each of you is stuffed full of God’s goodness, that you are richly supplied with all kinds of revelation-knowledge, and that you are empowered to effectively instruct one another.

©Living Letters

Open Heavens for teens review 28th March 2020

From the Open Heavens Devotional for teens,
Welcome to the Review for 28th March 2020.

Spirit, not Logic
*Reference, 1 Corinthians 2:10-14

The Holy Spirit is the source of the word we read, it was GOD- BREATHED words, John 6:63, 2 Peter 1:21

In our world today, the key to knowing the truth is to follow what Jesus says, by following the spirit of Truth.
[Also see John 8:31_32Jesus said to those Jews who believed in him, “When you continue to embrace all that I teach, you prove that you are my true followers. 32 For if you embrace the truth, it will release more freedom into your lives.”]

The Passion Translation John 16:13,25 “`But when the truth-giving Spirit comes, he will unveil the reality of every truth within you. He won’t speak his own message, but only what he hears from the Father, and he will reveal prophetically to you what is to come.

This is God’s desire, that #we grow up and grow right, don’t allow those with a wrong spirit teach you God’s, word. Don’t be so quiet when those who are not Believers begin to teach you or share their opinion on a Scripture, to prove a point, you can help them by discussing the verse with everyone by the Spirit this will be of benefit to everyone.( 1 Pet 3:15)
And if anyone asks about the hope living within you, always be ready to explain your faith with gentleness and respect…
#Maintain a right spirit, Follow the guardianship of the Holy Spirit.

Have a truth filled weekend!

©Living Letters

Open Heavens Teens Review

From the Open Heavens Devotional for teens,
@the Review, 25th March 2020

Topic: Your Wall_
Text: 1 Samuel 5:7b …But man looks at the outward appearance but God sees your heart.

On your Social Media, Facebook you have a wall, a profile where you post anything you want, what’s on your mind, your pictures, etc
This wall gives the kind of person you are to anyone who sees it.

Likewise in real life you have a real “wall”.
This is simply your conduct/behaviour, how people see you.
You “post” daily on this wall by your words, your actions, your dressing too.

Daily all these give a “report on the kind of Person you are
You have to be intentional and deliberate to allow your light(who you are in Christ JESUS) shine forth.(Matthew 5:13-16)

So dear teen,
The Passion Translation Colossians 4:5,6

Walk in the wisdom of God as you live before the unbelievers, and make it your duty to make him known. Let every word you speak be drenched with grace and tempered with truth and clarity. For then you will be prepared to give a respectful answer to anyone who asks about your faith.

#Christ, your Display Picture

You’re safe in Him!

©Living Letters,

Spirit words

There’s the work the Spirit does on a man, truly the work spoken of by Jesus

The Passion Translation John 16:13 But when the truth-giving Spirit comes, he will unveil the reality of every truth within you. He won’t speak his own message, but only what he hears from the Father, and he will reveal prophetically to you what is to come.
Also Psalms127:1
Except #the Lord Builds

The Spirit is the Lord.
He’s the custodian of your true spiritual growth and development
Don’t go on (doing the Church activities) without following Him, Rom 8:14,
It was recorded of the Disciples that,
It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and Us…(Acts)
Acts 13:2 As they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them.

Jump(Move) by the Holy Ghost.
#more than a friend
Check Spirit Beckons by Min. #TheophilusSunday

❤© LivingLetters

The Wind II

From the Open Heavens Devotional

Welcome to the devotional review for @17th March 2020


Exodus 14:21-28
The Wind of the Spirit goes to work speedily at times, when action is to be taken fast.
We see on judges 15:14, he came upon Samson to grant deliverance from His captors
The spirit of God rises from within us when we pray especially in His Language. It’s easier/efficient to address situation in the spirit.
John 7:38, Jude 1:20, Building up yourselves, praying, 1 Cor 14:2’4

Prayer is the technology of buiding capacity in the Spirit
Many times when challenges come they don’t give enough time to speak in tongues but when you have prayed, in your heavenly account there’s a deposit of #dynamic power available in your Spirit.
(James 5:16/
situations don’t have to be so serious/very “important”before you start praying.

Prayer goes into the future and addresses situations before hand
Luke 22:32 But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren.
#Pray and generate spirit energy…
©Living Letters