Open Heavens Devotional Review for August 8th 2020

Welcome to an Open Heavens Devotional Review for August 8th 2020.

Mathew 5:27-30

A Fire Quencher is one that puts out a burning fire

It prevents the fire from spreading to different places or newer territories.
God wants all of our lives, every aspect of us to be on fire for Him.

As a child of God there’s no doubt that you are the beloved of the Father (1 John 3:1) but as new creation, we must walk daily and consciously in the New Life.
The fire comes to consecrate our lives. When we yield to it totally, we are walking in the New Life.

But there things identified as quenchers of fire.
In the life of Samson, we see some characters/lust that we should avoid that will quench our fire
Lust of the flesh(What your body wants
Romans says SUBMIT your Body to the Holy Ghost and let Him work in you that you begin to live out righteousness.(Romans 6:14-17)

—Lust of the eyes are things your eye sees and wants to have… but the Bible says Let your vision be set on Heavenly things where Christ is…SET YOUR HEART on things Above!(Colossians 3:1-4)

Pride of Life
This should not be found in us because pride is a one way ticket to the destruction. (Proverbs 16:18). But let this mind be in you which was in Christ, who though being equal with God humbled Himself, became a man and lived on Earth and died the death of a criminal when he wasn’t one and now exalted. (1 Peter 5:5, Philippians 2:5-9)

Don’t give room for these things.
Keep looking into this Jesus and following the Spirit

©️For we are His Expression, His Living Letters

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